Saturday, March 14, 2009

BC Mosaic 150 Project Unveiling

Chinese Aboriginal Teaser from Farzine MacRae on Vimeo.

One of my greatest joys as an information professional has been the ability and opportunities to use my skills for the betterment of my community and profession. I was honoured and very fortunate to have been part of the BC Mosaic 150 project, which was a labour of love for over a year.

On the 150th anniversary of the province of BC, the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of BC was awarded a grant to take a closer look at these inter-community histories in order to promote understanding of the shared experiences between Chinese Canadians and First Nations peoples. This would be of significance to all British Columbians, whether First Nations/Aborginal/Métis, immigrants, Canadian-born, Chinese, and non-Chinese alike. It is appropriate to provide a more inclusive perspective on these communities, rather than looking at each one in solitary isolation. The reference bibliography provides a comprehensive look into the research that has already been done in this topic.